WELL into winter now, the end of July to be exact. And yea I have been a slacko. Winding down a bit after the hectic pace of the warmer months. Enjoying some fishing of my own and doing a few charters here and there.
I would like to report that fishing is hot HOT HOT all the time here, but alas then I would be lying. Fishing has been steady most times. A few days where it was damn hard work too. Snapper seem bigger on average this year. And when the bite is hot, its pretty good.
I have noticed smaller numbers of Goldens this year during winter. But there are still a few to be caught. The Queenies poke their heads in here and there for a nice change. And as always a few Long tail tuna surprise us whilst chasing Snapper. During June big Spaniards played havoc with our light leaders, and gave us some awesome runs, but those teeth, well lets say you gotta be lucky.
Of recent days, I have noticed a few schools of Yellowtail Kings. Hooking them can be frustrating at times, especially when they come out of the depths and tease you with an inquisitive look. Anyways, see what the next week brings. 28-07-15
For regular updates (sometimes more than once a day) on fishing, follow the Facebook page - FraserGuidedFishingWithCaptainSquinty. OR, just click the Facebook icon in the top toolbar, just under my phone number.